October 13, 2020
The most important thing is to organize a safe workspace. Everyone remembers social distancing and for what cause it is so important. In EMBIQ, employees can work in the office or directly from home. For those who decided to come back after lockdown to the office, the HR department prepared the workplace following WHO recommendations. Everyone who is coming to the office obligatory has to check their temperature and use an antibacterial gel. Employees have owned special liquids for disinfection and masks. There is also a rule that if an employee feels ill or someone of their family is sick, they stay at home and work remotely.
What is essential, every meeting is with Google Meet. So, if you want to use the conference room, feel free, but at the same time, you can log in to your Google Meet account and take part online. Nowadays, it is rare, but if guests are coming to the office, they are obligated to wear a mask and use the antibacterial liquid.
Remotely work could be the same at home and in the office. It is because of the tools we are using, and we need only our computer - nothing special! Thanks to the DevOps solutions, every employee, in the office and at home, is doing their tasks in Jira, taking part in Sprints online, contacting others and clients with Slack, and preparing online meetings with Google Meet.
EMBIQ provides virtual environment security. VPN connections secure all of our tasks. Our servers are outside our office; no one has to watch them here. The test environments are autonomous and do not need remote support either. What does it mean? It means that a person responsible for taking care of it can reset or use it remotely, including the power supply. If we need to replace devices or other items, we have a delivery service set up everywhere in Lublin in 15 minutes.
Maybe. Or maybe it does not matter where we are working but how. EMBIQ is prepared for working outside the office; it has to be said. But it is not because of COVID-19. It is for safety, ours and our clients. The situation all over the world is still changing. Sometimes from one day, people are made to change their workspace. We are prepared for restrictions. If something changed, we need only a minute to change our work attitude.
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