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Compact Wireless Device for EEG measurements

HomeEEG is a compact, wireless 10/20 channel EEG recorder developer, especially for mobile measurements.

Technologies used

iOS, Android, Python, Brix, Linux


STM32, WiFi. ffmpeg


Project members

30 months

Project length

Mobile App Development Custom Software Development


Healthcare industry


Challenge image

The challenge

The recorder has built-in software that allows its easy and intuitive operation. Together with the mobile application used to manage the recorder system, it is the basic set enabling EEG testing at home. The home EEG recorder was developed to examine young children and adults. This is especially important when the tests must be performed on the youngest patients. Examination made at home is not as stressful as it was done in an environment unknown to the child.

Thanks to its small size an low weight, it allows for broad application, and the technical parameters ensure the high quality of the recorded signal.

Kacper, Project Manager
Kacper, Project Manager
Challenge image

The result

The application enables recording images from two cameras connected to the computer and recording signals from the homeEEG device. These signals are transmitted via WiFi / Bluetooth network or serial interface. Signals from the homeEEG and the video image will be recorded on the computer and then available to be uploaded to the orderer's server. The application enables the transfer of video frames from each camera to the mobile application.

    The application enabes recording images from two cameras connected to the computer and recording signals from the homeEEG device. These signals are transmitted va WiFi/Bluetooth network or serial interface.

    Marek, Mobile Developer
    Marek, Mobile Developer

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