Computer architecture along with the software, which controls the charging stations for electric vehicles.
Technologies used
JavaScript, Angular, Python, React Native, C, django
Jira, Slack
Project members
6 months
Project length
IoT, Software Development
Smart Mobility
Transportation is one of the most crucial factors when looking at most cities around the world. Since there is an emphasis on renewable energy investment, we prioritize modernity and innovation. The project was to produce intuitive and simple chargers. Device construction guaranteed quick and uncomplicated use for users.
The project involved cross-sectional skills of the whole range of our expertise. Functional documentation, test cases and resolved solutions' architecture wam completed, involving user interface. Also, needed tools were implemented along with conducting the complex integration process.
A number of communication protocols and processes supporting multiple system components were gladly implemented. We took care of the external control system, and communication at the station and provided support for four different models of vehicle charging.
It has taken our greatest efforts to fulfill the client's expectations and provide a smooth and intuitive user interface with relatively low technical parameters of the equipment we could dispose of. The animations were expected to be smooth and closely could together, and the station's functionalities were to be accessible in only 1-2 presses of the button (out of 4 available). The user could use the device without any preparation. And that was successfully accomplished!
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